-Ovantis bas Paccius - O'vin Tia

The Trade Prince of a Dead Nation
(This is still a WIP)

What is lost, will never be recovered again.

Ovanits, more commonly known as O'vin Tia from his immigration over to Eorzea, is natively from the Estersands of Dalmasca.

Early life

O'vin was raised in a Miqo'te trade caravan in the Estersands of Dalmasca. He was one of several siblings and was deemed the boldest and bravest of the lot. He was always following around the elder traders hoping to pick up every last morsel of knowledge to become one of the best traders his family has ever seen.This was cut short as the Garlean Empire quickly came in to try to take over their sister nation. Instead of becoming the Trade Prince of the Desert, He used his smaller stature and quick feet to run supplies from resistant camp to resistant camp. Eluding capture or creating a distraction to allow other to move freely.This lasted years until the Empire had enough and decided to raze the Capitol to the ground as his caravan was right outside the gate. This killed nearly all of his family sparing only a handful.

Present Day

After the fall of Dalmasca he was set a drift with little to no possessions. He took any and all employment he could find to be able to buy passage over to Eoreza where people told him trade thrived and he would have a better life there.Unfortunately those honeyed dreams were just that when not even hours upon arriving he fell violently ill.The guards in Gridania swore he was drunk and tossed him out side the gates to be left for dead if an odd stranger found the heart to help him.He quickly found out that the aetherical density of his new home was ravaging his body.He was able to fashion a dampener out of an old desert mask that would reduce the effects of wind aspected aether in the desert to be more general in works.That didn't stop all damage from occurring to the Miqo'te. What most people would take for granted he now has to guard himself from. He found out the painfully hard way that he can not touch anyone without a gloved hand, he cant even accidently brush up against a bare shoulder. Any direct contact makes him relive the most intense moment of the persons life as if it was happening to him in the present.He now has assistant breathing and has to keep himself covered from head to toe not to accidently touch anyone.This has turned him into someone who loved intricacies of barter to someone that hides against the wall without saying a word.


Being from the Dalmacan region. He's always looking to find his brethren and fellow country men.Flirting with him, he does not like to or reciprocate any advances to him. He will turn hostile.
Knowledge of aetherical effects. He is constantly on the lookout for anyone that can help alleviate his condition.Trying to touch him. Because of his state of being, any type of touching is seen as a threat and will be treated as so.
He is still a trader at heart, but more dealing with the black market then any legit trade.Any and all slights to selling one's body for pleasure. He is applaud at how Eorzean Miqo'tes hold themselves in this trade.

((Please note that Aggressive hooks will be delt as so. If you are easily upset I would not try one of these. ))